Reconnaissance in local network with nmap

I’ve finished yet another learning course, this time about nmap, and I just have to share my excitement with somebody. Like, probably everyone has heard at least once that “nmap – is a tool for detecting open ports”, and that’s it. At least that’s how I first heard about it. But, apparently, “detecting open ports” doesn’t tell the full story. It’s not just about the ports – one can get a full picture of what’s going on inside a local network. Even if that network is “home Wi-Fi”!

Detecting network hosts

For instance, let’s talk about my own home network. It’s pretty regular one – one gateway/router, two Wi-Fi hotspots and lots of junk connected to them. Address space belongs to a class C of private IP addresses, and it’s probably identical to millions of other home networks –

But who is actually connected to my network? Address space allows connection of 251 devices (256 – 3 (router/access points) – 2 reserved), so who is there now? Forgotten server? Sneaky neighbour leaching on free internet for years?

nmap is exactly the tool to answer these questions. We just need to type some spells in the terminal and voilà:

-sn parameter stands for ping scan. No ports examination, no OS detection, no nothing. We just checking who is out there. defines target address range and could be either single IP, like, or enumeration of IPs, like –, or a whole CIDR192.168.1.0/24.

Now I know that as of today there are 15 hosts in my network. That’s actually a bit less than I thought.

Detecting host type

Host IP on its own doesn’t tell much. It’s way more interesting to understand what this host is about. At least, what operating system is runs. The latter is done via -O parameter, producing results similar to these:

“Wind River VxWorks” – I didn’t even know that it’s a thing. But apparently yes, it’s a popular Real-Time OS for embedded systems. It seems like I’ve found my printer! The cool part is I had no idea that it has a web interface, which according to nmap it does at port 80. I owned this device for years!

However, -O parameter performs only basic OS detection. After all, OS detection is a non-trivial thing, and doing it right takes time and possibly an unwanted attention of a network admin. However, in some scenarios this is justified, so here are a few tweaks.

First, --osscan-guess will tell nmap to guess harder (which still might give you results like “I’m 90% certain it’s Windows. And I’m also 91% certain it’s Linux”). Second, -sC argument will turn on the set of standard Lua scripts, that smart people wrote to perform some extra guesses. Since -sC works in other queries too, I like it the most.

Finally, there is -A – aggressive. -A is basically everything we’ve mentioned so far + a few minor tweaks. Results will probably be the best, but if your network had some sort of IDS (Intrusion Detection System) which didn’t wake up before, it probably will now.

Detecting host services

We can figure out what services are exposed by the host with yet another command line parameter – -sV. However, not unlike OS detection, detecting services is also not 100% precise science. We still can enhance the results by enabling Lua scripts (-sC), but here and there will be services which leave nmap puzzled.

Here it found the bunch of services, including someone truly unexpected – a web service at port 8200. Since the service itself suggested redirecting to /ui (HTTP/1.0 307 Temporary Redirect), I went there and discovered… HashiCorp Vault! How did it get there? Was it sitting there since the time I wrote a blog post about it? Wasn’t it like 4 years or so ago?

But things like this happen all the time. Last time I found a forgotten WordPress instance.

Looking for open ports

That’s what nmap was supposed to do all along. Well, it was actually checking for open ports during OS and services detection, but when we just need the ports, there’s an option for that. Moreover, the whole experience will be much faster:

-sS looks for open TCP ports. "S" itself stands for SYN – the first of three network packets that establishes TCP connection. Since nmap just needs to check if someone’s listening, it’ll abort the handshake after receiving SYN/ACK package. Nice and quick. As a side effect, working on a network packet level usually requires admin credentials, so you’ll probably be asked to use sudo. If sudo is not an option, there’s always -sT switch, which also detects TCP ports, but relies on OS functions to establish a full-blown TCP connection. It will be slower, but less admin’y.

-sU looks for UDP ports. I’ve found three of those on my basement server. Not sure what to do with that information now.

Formatting the output

I had no idea that output formatting could be something I might be interested in, but here we are. Apparently, nmap can output results in multiple formats. There are boring ones, like -oN – default, or -oGgreppable, but there’s also an ancient one – oX – XML. Among those three, XML is the funniest.

Not only XML is much easier to process programmatically, there’s also such thing as XSLT. Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation. Modern hipsters probably haven’t heard of it, but somewhere between the discovery of America and WWI I used it to generate perfectly valid T-SQL from an XML document, which in its turn was generated from a .NET class library. Good ol’ days.

Anyhow, nmap ships with XSL-transformation document that is capable of converting nmap‘s XML into pretty decent looking HTML. Here’s how it works:

  • Running ports detection and outputting the result into XML
    • sudo nmap -sS -oX server-ports.xml
  • applying built-in XSLT:
    • xsltproc server-ports.xml -o server-ports.html
  • checking out generated HTML
    • open server-ports.html
  • enjoying the view:
nmap formatted output

Beautiful witchcraft.


Aren’t you excited? Ancient mantra – “nmap is a tool for scanning the ports” – is actually pretty cool utility which can build a picture of who exactly lives in your (or maybe not only yours) network. Without it, I’d have no idea that my printer has a web interface, and that a certain someone should’ve shut down HashiCorp Vault service years ago.

Moreover, if you are bored and accidentally decided to open nmap‘s manual – man nmap – inside a very decent documentation about the tool, there’s a section called “Port Scanning Techniques”, which is a pure gold. That’s a nicely written article about how to use the tool in a wild professionally.


OK, so I couldn’t stop thinking why there’s a Vault on my server’s port 8200. Since I wouldn’t install it on a bare metal, it’s probably running in a container, so: docker ps, and yes, here is the guy:

It’s been there for 14 months. Unbelievable.

Since it’s restarted 3 months ago, it’s most likely maintained by docker-compose, so there should be some mounts or something that could lead to container origins:

Ok, I think I remember now. I used to have a small pet project called rbc-scrapper. It was supposed to periodically go to my bank account and scrape some info that I’d want to use elsewhere. NodeJS, Selenium, and yes, Vault. Oh, well. The project is long dead, so docker-compose down and the mystery is over.

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